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15 Hands, 1,150 Lbs.
SDP Corvette
Hydrive Cat x SDP I Got Good Genes
Sire Power
Hydrive Cat:- $4M sire; LTE $410,502; NCHA Hall of Fame
Highbrow Cat: $80M Sire; #1 All-Time Sire, Sire of Sires & Sire of Dams; #1 Avg. Performers
High Brow Hickory: NCHA $197,292; $5M Sire
Docs Hickory: Sired 5 AQHA World Champions, LTE $19M
Peppy San Badger: $25M Sire; #4 All-Time Leading Sire; 3x NCHA Reserve World Champion
Dual Rey: $41M Sire; LTE $118,000
Dual Pep: $26M Sire; LTE $313K
Freckles Playboy: $24.5M Sire; NCHA $59,976
Dam Power
SDP I Got Good Genes: LTE $65,584, $295K Producer, Full Sister to TR Dual Rey
Smart Little Kitty: $2.6M Producer
Ruby Tuesday: $1.3M Producer; LTE $218,916; 6x Aged Event Champion; 27x Aged Event Finalist
Playboys Ruby: $2M Producer; LTE 268,441; #2 All-Time Producer
Nurse Rey: $680K Producer, LTE $80,590; Dam of Dual Rey
Boons Lil Gun
Boon a Little x Myah Lil Ruf Gun
Sire Power
Boon a Little: LTE $135,639; Sired $363,291
Smart Little Lena: LTE $578K; $41.2M Sire; Triple Crown Winner (Cutting); Hall of Fame; #2 All-Time Leading Sire
Doc Olena: 1970 NCHA Futurity Champion; LTE $21,992; AQHA Hall of Fame; Sire of Multiple NCHA Hall of Fame
Dual Pep: NCHA $302,054; LTE $313K; $24M Sire; 1998 World Champion Cutting; NCHA Open Classic Champion
Playgun: LTE $168K NCHA; $8+M Sire; ROM Cutting
Freckles Playboy: $25M Sire; LTE $59,976; Hall of Fame 2013
Lil Ruf Peppy: ROM Performance; NRHA $28,032; $3M Sire
Dam Power
Autumn Boon: NCHA LTE $245,570; NCHA Hall of Fame; $1.7M Producer; NCHA Open Stakes Champ; 1999 NCHA Open Classic Challenge Champ
Royal Blue Boon: NCHA LTE $244,685; $2.6M Producer
Smart Peppy: Dam of NRHA money earners ($7,163); NCHA Money-earners ($973K)
Miss Silver Pistol: NCHA Hall of Fame; NCHA LTE $513K; 1985 NCHA Super Stakes Open Derby Reserve Champion
Click on picture to see pedigree
15.1 Hands, 1,150 Lbs.
Click on picture to see pedigree
15.1 Hands, 1,250 Lbs.
BCW Mr Redemption (AKA PJ)
Teninos Baron X Flint Watch Missy
Sire Power
Mr. San Peppy: 2x NCHA Open World Champion; AQHA World Cutting Champion; AQHA Hall of Fame
Mr Baron Red: AQHA Show H-43/P-298; AQHA Champion; Superior Heeling & Calf-Roping; AQHA Superhorse
Watch Joe Jack: AQHA Shoe H-225/P-201; AQHA Champion; Superior Western Pleasure & Halter
Docs Tom Thumb: Sire of Reserve World Champion, Superior Performance, NRHA money-earners, ROM Performance, Performance Point Earners and Halter Point Earners;
Baron Bell: AQHA Champion; Superior Halter; ROM Performance
Mare Power
Tenino Fair: NCHA COA; $853,600 NCHA Producer
Barons Cream Pie: Full Sister to Mr Joes Song
Two Eyed Patti: AQHA Show H-16/P-163; AQHA Champion; ROM Halter; Superior Heading
About Shining Time
Shining Spark x Patty Jo Red
Sire Power
Shining Spark: AQHA Hall of Fame; World Champion; NRHA Money-Earner; AQHA Leading Sire; NRCHA Leading Sire with $3M, NRHA $3M sire.
Mr Baron Red: AQHA H-43/P-298; AQHA Champion; Superior Heeling & Calf-Roping; AQHA Superhorse
Watch Joe Jack: AQHA H-225/P-201; AQHA Champion; Superior Western Pleasure & Halter
Genuine Doc: AQHA H-0/P-55; Superior Cutting; NCHA $23,992; AQHA Res World Champion Sr. Cutting; All-Time Leading Cutting and Reining Sire; #4 Leading Sire of Sires
Mr Diamond Dude: Sired 115 Performers; 3 AQHA Champions, 23 ROM Arena, 1 Youth Supreme Champion, 3 Youth AQHA Champions, 8 Youth ROM Arena, 1 World Champion Working, 1 Super Horse, 1 Youth World Champion Halter.
Mare Power
Diamond Sparkle: AQHA Show H-23/P-201; AQHA Champion; AQHA Hall of Fame
NRHA Hall of Fame; ROM Halter (23); ROM Heeling (39); ROM Reining (28); ROM Western Pleasure (31); ROM Heading (22); Superior Steer Roping; 1979 AQHA World Show Superhorse; 1979 AQHA World Champion Sr Heading Horse; 1979 AQHA World Championship Sr Reining-4th; 1979 AQHA World Championship Sr Heeling-6th; National Leader in 1978 All-Ages Reining
Two Eyed Patti: AQHA Show H-16/P-163; AQHA Champion; ROM Halter; Superior Heading
Pats Kim: AQHA H-2/P-0; Dam of 10 foals,2 shown earned AQHA H-283/P-241,1 ROM,1 AQHA Champion, Superior Halter, Superior Western Pleasure, Res. World Champion.

Click on picture of front to see pedigree
15 Hands, 1,200 Lbs.
Click on picture to see pedigree
15 Hands, 1,100 Lbs.
Reys Metallic Cat
Bet On Denver x Royale Patches CD
Sire Power
Metallic Cat: NCHA $637,711; NCHA COA; 2008 NCHA Futurity Open Champion;
2009 NCHA Horse of the Year; NCHA Hall of Fame; Equi-stat Elite $57M sire, 106 money earners in 2021.
High Brow Cat: NCHA $126,252; NCHA COA; AQHA Show H-/P-1; AQHA Leading Sire:
The All-Time Leading Sire of Cutting Horses; NCHA-AQHA Sire of the year for 10 consecutive years 2003 thru 2012; Sire of offspring earning over $70M; Leading sire of sires; Leading sire of dams.
Dual Rey: LTE: $118,000 - NCHA COA; Progeny Earnings in excess of $40+M (2023);
2003 AQHA Freshman Sire of the Year; 2005 Equi-Stat, #6 Top Cutting Sire All Ages/All Divisions; AQHA Hall of Fame
CD Olena: NCHA Hall of Fame, NCHA Horse of the Yr. NCHA Fut/D. Champ. # 5 all-time leading sire; LTE $170,706; Sired 535 Money Earners, LTE $14,100,000
Mare Power
Bet Yer Blue Boons: NCHA Hall of Fame; NCHA $350,615; P-22, performance ROM;
1995 NCHA Classic/Challenge 3rd place; 1997 Reserve World Champion Sr Cutting;
1997 High Point Sr Cutting 9th place; 2000 NCHA World Champion Open Cutting
Chers Shadow: NCHA $1,675; NCHA C0A; 2009 Leading Dam of Money Earners
Miss Royale Dry: LTE $27,988.28; NCHA C0A; Dam of Money Earners Earning $70,489
Shesa Smarty Lena: NCHA $223,990; Champion NCHA Open; Top Ten NCHA Open Futurity (6th); Dam of Money Earners Earning $232,335
Dakotas Zipper
Zips Dakota Pine x That Gal of Mine
Sire Power
Zipper Blue Pine: AQHA Show H-5.5/P-0
Zippo Pat Bars: AQHA Race SI-95/AAA/ROM; AQHA Hall of Fame; NSBA Hall of Fame; ROM Performance; Hall of Fame, Superior Halter and Superior Performance Offspring; AQHA Champion and ROM Performance Offspring; NRHA, NCHA, Race and NSBA Money-earners
Spanish Array: AQHA H-66/P-0; 1985 AQHA World Champion Aged Halter Stallion; Sire of 2 World Champions, 4 Reserve World Champions, 76 ROM Winners, 20 Superior
Triples Image: AQHA Show H-99/P-42; Superior Halter-Open; ROM Performance-Open; 1995 AQHA Champion-Open; Sire of Offspring Earning $130,870 in Race, Incentive Earnings, World Championship Shows, NCHA and NSBA; Sire of Offspring earning 15,005 AQHA, 343 PHBA and 26 IBHA Points.
Mare Power
Tinky Jo Ann: AQHA Show H-8/P-22
Click on picture to see pedigree
15.3 Hands, 1,200 Lbs.
Click on picture to see pedigree
Teninos Baron
Jae Bar Dutch x Barons Cream Pie
(Reference Sire - Deceased)
Sire Power
Mr. San Peppy: 2x NCHA Open World Champion; AQHA World Cutting Champion; AQHA Hall of Fame
Mr Baron Red: AQHA Show H-43/P-298; AQHA Champion; Superior Heeling & Calf-Roping; AQHA Superhorse
Watch Joe Jack: AQHA Shoe H-225/P-201; AQHA Champion; Superior Western Pleasure & Halter
Mare Power
Tenino Fair: NCHA COA; $853,600 NCHA Producer
Watch Joes Song: Dam of Mr Joes Song
Two Eyed Patti: AQHA Show H-16/P-163; AQHA Champion; ROM Halter; Superior Heading
BCW Dutch Creek Gold
Teninos Baron X Doc Missy Joe
(Reference Sire)
Sire Power
Mr. San Peppy: 2x NCHA Open World Champion; AQHA World Cutting Champion; AQHA Hall of Fame
Mr Baron Red: AQHA Show H-43/P-298; AQHA Champion; Superior Heeling & Calf-Roping; AQHA Superhorse
Watch Joe Jack: AQHA Shoe H-225/P-201; AQHA Champion; Superior Western Pleasure & Halter
Docs Tom Thumb: Sire of Reserve World Champion, Superior Performance, NRHA money-earners, ROM Performance, Performance Point Earners and Halter Point Earners;
Baron Bell: AQHA Champion; Superior Halter; ROM Performance
Mare Power
Tenino Fair: NCHA COA; $853,600 NCHA Producer'
Barons Cream Pie: Full Sister to Mr Joes Song
Two Eyed Patti: AQHA Show H-16/P-163; AQHA Champion; ROM Halter; Superior Heading
Click on picture to see pedigree
Click on picture to see pedigree
Clark Classy Avenger
Smart Avenger x Classy Clarkette
(Reference Sire)
Sire Power
Smart Avenger: LTE NCHA $57,063
Smart Little Lena: $41.2M Sire; NCHA LTE $577,652; Triple Crown Cutting Winner; AQHA Leading Sire, AQHA Hall of Fame
Doc Olena: 1970 NCHA Futurity Champion; NCHA LTE $21,991; AQHA Hall of Fame; Sire of Multiple NCHA Hall of Fame; A leading Sire and Leading Maternal Grandsire NCHA Money Earners
Doc Bar: Leading Sire of AQHA Champions; NCHA Champions and Areano ROMs; Offspring earned $1.2M in cutting
Quincy Dee King: AQHA Show H-12/P-52.5 (cutting, reining, western riding, cow horse & halter); AQHA Champion; NCHA earner; ROM Halter & Performance
Mare Power
Roseanna Dual: NCHA $155,825; NCHA Open Derby Reserve Champion; NCHA Open Classic/Challenge Reserve Champion; NCHA Open Futurity
Hickorys Patty: NCHA $3,707; $213, 932 Producer
Classy Clarkette: LTE $6,000
Jessie Dry Tivio
(Reference Sire - Deceased)
Taylor Jess Tivio x Dry Docs Ruby
Sire Power
Jessie Tivio: 100% Foundation; AQHA Champion, ROM Halter & Performance; IBHA Champion & ROM
Dry Doc: LTE $85,149 (NCHA); NCHA Hall of Fame; 1971 NCHA Futurity Champion
Doc Bar: Sired $1.2M in cutting; AQHA Hall of Fame; Leading sire of AQHA Champions and Arena ROMs
Pute Cee Bonanza: AQHA Champion and ROM Performance; Sire of AQHA Champion, Superior Halter and Superior Performance
Mare Power
Poco Lena: AQHA Show H-174/P671; AQHA Champion, Performance ROM, Superior Cutting Horse, Superior Halter; NCHA LTE $99,820; 1st horse inducted into the NCHA Hall of Fame